Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Beautiful + Uneducated = Highly Desirable Women

Source: http://whisper.sh/
The quote is not true.

But the equation below is true.

Beautiful + Uneducated = Highly Desirable Women

That's reality.


A while ago, I heard a piece of news on a local Chinese TV channel in Singapore about a Vietnamese woman who married a Singaporean lorry driver. The driver was poor and didn't have a house. They ate, slept and lived their daily lives on the lorry. The Vietnamese wife couldn't work because she was on social visit pass. The rental cost on the public market was too high for them. They were also not eligible to apply for public rental unit from the Government. The good (or bad) news was the Vietnamese wife was a few months' pregnant. The news was brought to the attention of the government authorities. An exception was made and they were given a public rental unit for one year provided that they purchase a government flat after that.

See The Straits Times's coverage of this news here.

Even a foreigner with little education could have a chance to find love and be married to foreign land with better opportunities and could set up her family here.

What can I say?

Maybe it's in her destiny that she will have a better life.

For the rest of us, we have to keep going, keep moving and better ourselves so that we will better luck. There's no certainty in the dating and marriage games but we can increase of chances to win!

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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Ugly + Educated = Low Quality Women

Source: Slideshare
Ugly + Educated = Low Quality Women

Why this equation?

Because I can see only low quality men wanting me to be their girlfriend.

Men who are Indians and cannot find Indian women to be their girlfriends.

Men who are Muslims and cannot find Muslim women to be their girlfriends.

Men who are unemployed or poor.

Men who are chauvinistic and expect women to listen to their orders (in the 21st century! I am not kidding you!)

Men who are divorced.

Men who are over 50 years old.

Men who are recuperating from serious illnesses.

Men who only have primary school education.

Men who don't groom themselves.

Men who are always busy flying here and there and still want to date girls and expect their girlfriends to spend most of her time alone.

Do these men think I'm such a low quality woman?

I have worked hard in life to get a good education with very little resources in my families. When I was young, there wasn't enough food to eat sometimes and I went hungry through the nights. Don't I deserve something better now? Or is it because of my God-given ugly looks that I'm not perceived as high quality woman?

The worst thing is my parents have given me their combined looks and they have no idea why I can't get a proper boyfriend and still place the entire blame on me.

I hope that the ugly duckling that I am now can become a beautiful swan in the future and that means going under the knife for my face and teeth, the two biggest weaknesses in my looks.

To me, as I have said in my previous posts, inner beauty is the most important. I would rather work on my brain and my mind rather than going for something superficial as looks. So, that big equation at the top is really meant to explain how other people perceive you and me. Yes, many successful people will say, "don't care about what other people say about you". However, the reality is people must be willing to perceive you in a good light before you can become successful or popular. People want to look at someone with pleasant looks.

Work on your looks as well as on your brains and minds to gain double competitive edge over other women.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How you can remain positive even after nearly a decade of rejection and dismal results in dating

Either I'm too positive or too stubborn.

I've been trying to find a boyfriend since I was a Year 2 university student. I knew I wanted to get married early, possible around 27 or 28 and have my first baby before 30. That would give me time to work and pay off the study loan which I borrowed from my mother and save up some money to buy a house.

The loan was about 18K and it took me almost three years to pay off completely, By that time, I was already 26 years old, broke and ugly and no boyfriend.

Then, I saved up some money to go for facial and hair care treatment which had cost me a bomb.

After which, I continued to work very hard, sometimes 7 days a week, working several jobs at the same time because my mother was chasing after me for money and I needed money too. Singapore has suddenly become such an expensive place to live. But I still managed to go for some dates arranged by a matchmaking agency and continued making friends with guys on social networking and dating websites.

I met guys who are younger or older than me, from the same or different race from me, the poor, the unemployed, the semi-skilled, the professionals and the self-employed businessmen. But I have no luck finding someone I'm comfortable with. I also have no luck having an honest guy telling me he was sincerely interested in me. Those who said they liked me were really saying so because they wanted me to go out and have sex with them.

The ones I'm really comfortable turned out to be cheats who were experts in making me believe they were serious about me when they were actually not.

Only this year I managed to get a Chinese boyfriend who seemed honest, down-to-earth and normal.

To be honest, when I crossed my 31st birthday last year in 2016, I already told myself to take things slowly and I really did. I totally gave up on matchmaking agencies, social networking websites and dating websites. I just posted an ad in Locanto telling people I was looking for a boyfriend.

By a friend's recommendation, I also wrote down the qualities I wanted in a guy down on a piece of paper.

I know my chance of finding a boyfriend is close to nil and with age catching up and my two aged parents to take care and my business not showing tremendous improvement, sometimes I really want to give it all up.

But at the bottom line, I really want to have a boyfriend to share my life with and grow old together. This is the only reason that keeps me going. There are other minor reasons but this is the most important and the most powerful that propels to keep getting to know guys.

So, you've got to know your deepest reason for wanting to have a boyfriend. That will be the only way for you to be positive and do the necessary things needed.

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Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to celebrate your birthday when all your friends are married and you are still single

Source: YouTube
Happy Birthday to ME!

When I was five years old, I remembered my mother throwing big birthday party at home for me. There were lots of foods and sweets and she made them all by herself. I particularly like the agar cake she made.
Source: Agar Cake (Pinterest)
As I grew older, my mum would make longevity noodles which she would accompany it with a hard-boiled red-dyed egg. The longevity noodles are very long orange-coloured noodles to symbolise long life and the red egg is for good luck.
Source: Red-dyed eggs (http://7015humcuratingtheeveryday.blogspot.sg/)
In schools, classmates would also hold monthly birthday celebrations for those born in a certain month.

After graduation from the university and stepping into the working world, this tradition continued and colleagues would throw birthday lunches.

But then family arguments got worse and my relationship with a mum took a nose dive.

My father never remembered about my birthday and never once bought any present for me or celebrated it any way.

Gradually, as I grow older, I can see female friends and colleagues going out to celebrate with their boyfriends, and then husbands and then with their children.

For the past few years, I have been celebrating by myself and watching others with envy. Why is it me?

These few years, I would just sleep early and get a good rest on my birthday because resting is a luxurious thing for me to do actually. It's a form of pampering. Sometimes, I would just enjoy reading a good book.

It was only last year that I applied for a one day off from the company I'm working in because it offered a birthday leave whereas all the companies which I had previously worked with had no such benefit. So I really appreciate this company for putting in such a benefit. It's a small measure but very thoughtful.

This year I have a new boyfriend at the beginning of the year. He's a Chinese and down-to-earth, sincere and doesn't seem like he will cheat me. This year is definitely a big change from all the previous years.

Happy birthday to you single women out there who are born on the same day as me or in the same month as me and still looking for love!

You are not alone! I'm here with you! 

You are not forgotten. Happy Birthday!!! It's the day to love and pamper yourself!!! Enjoy whatever you love to do!!! It's your day!!! Cherish your days on earth!!! And continue to be patient!!!

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Friday, February 17, 2017

Bosses somehow knew I was about to meet those guys they hired

Source: 123rf.com
Every time I made an appointment with a guy to meet with, it was almost always cancelled at the last minute.

There are two ways to think about this. One is the positive way of thinking and the other is a negative way to think. The positive thing could be God telling me this guy is not suitable for me and so He has arranged me not to meet with this guy. (My musing: if that is case, why God arranges for this guy to see my ad in the first place? He might as well not let me cross my path with this guy at all!)

The negative way to think God is telling me that relationship is something not meant for me and I better give it up the soonest that I can and forget about this kind of thing completely.

This was just many of the last minute cancellation I had, due to bosses suddenly telling them to work.
I had already confirmed the date one night before. Yet, on the day itself, I had to call him up and ask him where he was. It was then that he told me he was in a meeting and wasn't coming. I understand that everyone is busy with their job but at least one should have the courtesy to inform the other party if he or she cannot make it! This is basic courtesy.

This guy totally cannot understand English. I told him precisely everyone is busy that's why there's this thing called schedule. This guy knows his schedule is not fixed and still dare to fix an appointment thinking that it's okay to cancel at the last minute and the other is obliged to understand him, as if everyone else has nothing better to do!

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Dating Nightmares: Happy Valentine's Day 2017!

Source: Pexel Stock Images

Hopefully you have a happy day today!

This blog is dedicated to single women like you and me. I'm in my early 30s and have been finding a boyfriend for years.

I'm generally a happy person but Valentine's Day usually stirs up a lot of emotions in me.

In the public sphere, we all know that public figures have to put up a brave and happy front no matter how much sorrow they have in their heart.

But I'm not going to tell you that I'm happy just to let you perceive I'm a perfect person in this world.

Valentine's Day is, honestly speaking, one of the worst day of the year that I have to go through annually.

It feels terrible.

Yes, I do have friends who wish one another Happy Valentine's Day. But when my friends are going out with their boyfriends/girlfriends or are with their husbands/wives, I do feel very lonely. It's an honest emotion and I'm not going to hide it.

I have spent lonely evenings throughout all these years, watching from afar student couples hand-in-hand, colleagues who receive bouquets from their husbands or boyfriends, women holding to teddy bears and red roses on the streets.

Actually, I used to be very sad. But after my birthday last year, I suddenly changed my thinking. I accepted that if this is God's destiny for me, I have to accept it. So, I'm a little less hard up on myself now. You shouldn't be too hard up on yourself.

If you feel unhappy this day, I have a song dedicating to you, Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On, for the tragic but romantic love story between Jack and Rose that happened on Titanic.

Click this link: My Heart Will Go On, by Celine Dion

This song is so beautiful and I love it and I hope you'll love it too.

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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Bad dating culture, bad dating habits

Source: https://living4bliss.files.wordpress.com
I'm not very certain if what I'm going to write can be classified as bad dating habits but they surely irk me a lot.

There was a guy whom I chatted for a while. We went out two times. After that, I asked how he found me. He told me, "So far OK". After that, he ignored my messages and stopped replying me completely.

This is one bad habit I can't stand of guys. Why can't they just say they are not interested? I thought he was still interested and I continued to want to chat with him, only to find out I was only talking to myself. What's more, he told me he was a straightforward person. Yet, he just couldn't tell me he was not interested.

This was how I wasted so much of my effort and time on guys who have no courage at all and act so childish and cowardly.

I was just talking to myself. He was reading my messages but not replying.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Don't ever find a girlfriend when you are too poor

Source: http://thecareercafe.co.uk/
Why are there guys in the world who think getting a wife is about getting a woman who is willing to have no food to eat and suffer with him?

Are you really thinking like a man? Are you a man?

Not long ago, I met a guy who was out of a coordinator job and was recently divorced and so he wanted to seek out a new girlfriend. But I was repulsed. If he couldn't take care of himself, how could he take care of this girlfriend or future wife? How could he take care of kids?

He spoke only Chinese and very little English and kept telling me he wasn't smart and couldn't learn new things. That's just plain bullshit. I was brought up in a Chinese-speaking family. My parents only read Chinese newspaper and Chinese books and watch Chinese programmes. I learned all my English language skills in school and during my free time. I was struggling very hard with English yet I still tried my best to learn. I didn't simply tell myself I was stupid and I couldn't learn. I knew English was important and I was blatantly determined to learn it, no matter how hard, no matter how many attempts I have to try. I didn't come up with any excuses. That man was just full of excuses. How could I find assurance from him that we could actually build a life together? At least, get your life together again before you go out seeking a new girlfriend? Don't find a girlfriend because you need to de-stress yourself as it is very unfair to the girl! Your intention is already wrong in the first place. You want to find a girlfriend because you want to set up a family. You are finding a girlfriend because you are stressed out from economic vicissitude.

It's better that I never contacted him again after that only meet-up.

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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Don't ever find a girlfriend when you are sick

Source: http://www.storydose.com/
When I put up an ad in Locanto looking for a boyfriend, a very nice-looking, friendly, approachable and humble man responded. He was not as highly educated as me but he could speak English very well and had a good job. But he was at that time on long-term sick leave and was recuperating at home. But he told me he was alright already and just had to go for one final checkup.

However, he didn't message me after a long time. Eventually I found out that he was re-hospitalised because of wound infection. I was a bit angry and I didn't contact him after that because he needed to rest and it wouldn't be possible for us to chat or even go out dating.

So I told him to focus on getting well and not to think about us dating.

I really hope that my life is something like my cousin or many of my friends. They married young able-bodied man who are about the same age as them. Many of the 200+ guys who contacted my through Locanto are too young (about twenty years old) or too old (more than 45 years old), smoke and drink, are sexual perverts who are out looking for girls who provide sex services, or too chauvinistic. The low-hanging fruits are gone and I'm left finding good apples high up on the trees. It's an uphill battle. Where are the men?!

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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Good fortune is all you need to have a successful dating, rather than seeking the help of dating or matchmaking agencies

Source: http://sonic-the-hedgehog-reborn.wikia.com/wiki/File:YIN_YANG_BA_GUA_2.gif
If you have been looking for a boyfriend for some time but have no luck so far, you may be better off visiting a geomancy consultancy office than a dating or matchmaking agency.

People have been telling me I'm lazy, anti-social and anything that they can think of as the reason for my so far "boyfriend-less" life.

And I thought those reasons were real.

So, I went to different dating agencies to have my profile and eventually signed up with one agency. All in all, I went to about ten arranged dates. Besides guys from dating agencies, I also use different social media platforms, dating websites and even the government internet platform for singles! I even accepted a colleague's recommendation of his fellow colleague. But all ended up in vain. I have chatted with maybe more than 300 guys for the past 8 years and met maybe more than 30 guys. Nothing fruitful has resulted.

Contrast this with my cousin's story. For years she told everyone around she disliked marriage and she would never think about getting married. Then at age 28, she suddenly had a change of mind. She didn't even have to chat with 300 guys and meet 30 guys. Her eldest brother simply introduced one to her. They dated for one year and then the guy proposed and one year later they had their ROM and wedding banquet. Another year later they had their first baby. It's like a fairy tale. Everything went on so smoothly like a carefully crafted story.

People always tell me when you want something so much, doors will open.

But I think, it just boils down to your fate. It is possible that happiness is written into my cousin's life but not in mine. I am starting to believe more in astrology, tarot card reading and numerology.

If you have been working hard to find someone, and have been getting zero results from dating and matchmatching agencies, mayne the solution for you is to seek out an astrologer, a geomancer, a tarot card reader, a numerologist, a palmist, or a face reader. You need to seriously change your luck.

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