Thursday, March 1, 2018

So ANGRY!!!!!!!! These men called up me at 2AM, 3AM, 4AM and even 5AM

Dear single women,

If you are living in Singapore, beware of these creeps:
+65 8246 5136  - A Nepalese telling me he called at 2AM because he wanted to find someone to chat. He said I did not put down the time for people to call but I asked him had he any brains to think what the right time was to call strangers up for a chat!

I will post more details about these guys in the coming days.

I have been so busy with work and really have no intention to maintain this blog but recently there has been a slew of such brainless inconsiderate disturbances that I must voice out to you.

There are many creeps out there! What do we need them for??????

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I'm taking a break

The last time I went for a break was late last year in 2016 because of heavy work commitment. This time I need to take a break again because I will be taking up a new job role.

In fact, I started working in this new company on 1st June 2017, so it has been almost 4 and a half months and I have been extremely busy. It is a Japanese global shipping company. There is a steep learning curve because most of the things that I am tasked to new are all things I have never really done before. I think I'll be very busy for a while and won't be able to focus on writing on this blog. In the meantime, I am really working hard to improve my appearance because I want to find new boyfriend soon. My existing boyfriend, although he is an easy-going person, is not someone I think I can go far with. Meanwhile I have heard more marriage stories around me and will be sharing with you soon.

Meanwhile, are there stories about dating and marriage you will like to hear about?

Comment below and I'll start writing about them after I've stabilised in my new job role and have the time to write. Also, do check out a few new blogs and projects which I wanted to start soon and they are:

  • Success with Sharon
  • Street Food Recipes of Singapore
  • Combat Diabetes and Healthy Lifestyle
  • Travel around the World and Charity
  • Online Tuition Service focused on STEM
  • (perhaps) Piano lessons (My Lifelong Passion!)
See ya soon.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Dating Nightmares: Today is the Chinese Valentine's Day! 七夕节快乐!

If you have missed the Valentine's Day earlier this year on 14 February because you haven't found that special someone in your life, you have another choice here to celebrate, if you have found your man. Today is the 7th day of the 7th lunar month of the Chinese calendar.

Little is known about our Chinese Valentine's Day, called the Qixi (七夕) Festival.

The Japanese also have their own Valentine's Day, called the Tanabata Festival. It originated from our Chinese Qixi Festival as well.

This festival comes from the story of the cowherd and weaver girl (牛郎织女). The earliest time this story had been found documented was during the the Han dynasty, about 200 years before birth of Christ. So this story has more than 2000 years of history.

The cowherd boy was a mortal while the weaver girl was an immortal fairy. One day, the weaver girl came down to earth from the heavens and fell in love with the cowherd boy. They married each other and have two lovely kids. Then, the weaver girl's mother, the goddess, found out about this outrageous act and was infuriated. An immortal and a mortal was not allowed to fall in love. She immediately commanded her daughter to return to the heavens. The weaver girl did, after which the goddess created a galaxy (the Milky Way) that separated the weaver girl from the cowherd and her two children. As years went by, the goddess took pity on them and allowed them to be reunited just for day in a year. On this day, countless magpie could fly in and form a bridge over the Milky Way and allow the devoted lovers to meet each other.

Here's a link to the complete story of The Cowherd Boy and the Weaver Girl.

It's a little sad reading about the story but the upside of this story is that it informs us that true love does surpass everything.

I hope that you have found your true love. If not, don't give up easily!

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