Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I'm taking a break

The last time I went for a break was late last year in 2016 because of heavy work commitment. This time I need to take a break again because I will be taking up a new job role.

In fact, I started working in this new company on 1st June 2017, so it has been almost 4 and a half months and I have been extremely busy. It is a Japanese global shipping company. There is a steep learning curve because most of the things that I am tasked to new are all things I have never really done before. I think I'll be very busy for a while and won't be able to focus on writing on this blog. In the meantime, I am really working hard to improve my appearance because I want to find new boyfriend soon. My existing boyfriend, although he is an easy-going person, is not someone I think I can go far with. Meanwhile I have heard more marriage stories around me and will be sharing with you soon.

Meanwhile, are there stories about dating and marriage you will like to hear about?

Comment below and I'll start writing about them after I've stabilised in my new job role and have the time to write. Also, do check out a few new blogs and projects which I wanted to start soon and they are:

  • Success with Sharon
  • Street Food Recipes of Singapore
  • Combat Diabetes and Healthy Lifestyle
  • Travel around the World and Charity
  • Online Tuition Service focused on STEM
  • (perhaps) Piano lessons (My Lifelong Passion!)
See ya soon.
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