Friday, September 23, 2016

Sham marriages? No, now Sham divorces

In  some countries, people have sham marriages in order to gain certain benefits like citizenship but in some, people file sham divorces in order to also gain certain financial benefits.

I don't know what to think and what to say.

Everything is so linked to money. Everything is so commercialised. Even marriage, which is a kind of fundamental social relationship, is not spared. What these incidents tell me are people increasingly treat marriage/divorce/relationship as a tool to be exploited for gain.

Since 30 March 2015, in Shenzhen, China, there are curbs limiting married couples to buying two properties only. By divorcing, these couples made themselves eligible again as purchases of properties.

Maybe I'm still very idealistic to think that marriage is an expression of love and it is an important relationship that should be influenced by the love and care between a couple and should not be so tied-up with external things.

I'm very disappointed with the way things are going. We are losing true love, true care and concern, not just between humans but also with our natural environment,

Do read more about this matter from Singapore-based TODAY newspaper, "To get Shenzhen homes, buyers turn to sham divorces".

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