Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Different, different, but same

There was a Singapore politician (ex current Manpower Minister Lim Swee Say) [A reader pointed out to me that I got my fact wrong! He should be the current not ex minister. I'm so sorry I didn't check before writing this and my memory has failed me! This is no laughing matter! Apologies.]who once made such a comment, "We are same-same but different." This isn't a grammatically-correct sentence but let's not distract us from the meaning he was attempting to convey. He was basically trying to tell the Singapore masses that although they were all Singaporeans, but there are some differences, such as social class, race, and economic status.

So, I made a complete spin on his famous phrase "same-same but different", coming up with "different-different but same" to share with you the latest dating nightmare I've experienced.

Every time I meet a really good guy, I always thought, "Yes! Finally, I'm going to settle down this time." But it always ends abruptly and I don't know why. This screenshot was taken very recently, as you can see the date was not even reflected yet. The date was 14 September 2016, Wednesday.

The week before that, I was still chatting with this guy and "kiss" goodnight through WeChat. I already knew him for about a month! However, just a week a later, he suddenly blocked me (or perhaps deleted me from his contact list) and my messages couldn't be sent through anymore. I have to send to friend request to him and only after he accepts it will I only be able to chat with him again.

I have so many of such cases before where guys disappeared suddenly without any word and I don't know why! He told me he was not such a person and repeatedly asked me to trust him. He was always very angry when I compared his behaviour to those men I met before him. In the end, he is a different man from others, but still the same too.

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