Thursday, May 11, 2017

How do you feel when your friends updated about their marriage on FB?

Just Married. Source: Pinterest
My friends are mostly in the early 30s age group.

Many of them have posted photos of their weddings on their Facebook. I have several especially these last 2-3 years.

Many of my ex-colleagues too who are in their 30s have done the same.

My schoolmates as well.

Not only that, many of them have their first child, several having a second one, and a few their third.

I'm full of best wishes for them because they have all moved on to another stage of their lives.

I wonder why many people could have a normal life and a few like me felt being left out.

Why is God so cruel? Isn't he supposed to be there to uplift all of us?

More than ten years ago, I started to find a boyfriend. You know how the story went if you have followed this blog. And it was only at the beginning of this year 2017 that I finally found one.

If it has taken me so long to find a boyfriend, when will be my wedding day?

When will be the day I start a family?

Plus, God has put me in a poor family and I have to put money and survival first before anything else.

When can I start to live the dreams that all other girls are living?

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