Monday, March 27, 2017

Karung guni - The rubbish man

Karung guni is a Singapore colloquial term referring to men who collect used cardboard, newspapers, magazines and other used items from shops and households.
After chatting so many "rubbish" type of men, I wonder what the problem with me is.

Am I such a rubbish woman so much so that God is only willing to send me rubbish men?

Or is God testing me?

Is God just sending these men to test my character and patience before he sends me the right one for me?

I don't know.

I just know these kinds of men are not the type I envision in my mind.

I have been telling God for some time that I will never marry a low quality man no matter how desperate I am.

I have worked hard all my life, whether it's studies or career. I have sought to learn new things every single day. Why should I deserve men who have no standards?

May this period be just a time of trials and tribulations that I will finally walk out of.

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