Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Thanks Shrek for the hope you give

Source: Pinterest
Synopsis of Shrek can be found at Wikipedia here.

Many Disney princesses are beauty themselves and I think this helps them a lot in finding their princes in life. This is a fairy tale I couldn't live with.

I love Shrek much more than those Disney animations as it is closer to the reality I'm living in. I'm not pretty and I said this a thousand times in this blog. I received many so-called "constructive criticism" to go under the knife to change how I look. But Shrek's story reminds us that with inner beauty, we can find love as well and that love is truer than love based on looks. It also reminds her we can always find someone compatible. We don't always have to fix our outer beauty.

Princess Fiona and Lord Farquaad could get married but Fiona would only be wanted by the lord because of her looks and his desire for power. There was no love to talk about. He also didn't risk his life to rescue Fiona from the fiery dragon. Fiona won't be happy and she would be better staying alone locked up in the tower guarded by the dragon. How could she have happiness when the Lord didn't have the the courage to act like a man to save her from danger?

However, Shrek looked at Fiona in a different way. He truly loved her for who she was and thought she was the most beautiful and wonderful woman in his life. He was also the one who dealt with the dragon and released Fiona from her imprisonment, so he truly deserved Fiona. The intangible qualities of two people coming together, for example, the comfort, chemistry and the bond of two persons, are more important than comparing cold hard data like wealth, power and beauty.

However, the solitary life of Shrek also means that this kind of man is harder to find. So if you want to find him faster, you got to work hard and take the initiative to seek him out through as many dating channels as possible.

I wrote about different dating channels in an older post, Here's the link.

Good luck!

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