Friday, May 26, 2017

The Food of Love

Since Shakespeare compares food with love, is love a kind of flavour?

I think that Shakespeare hasn't complained explained the nature of love through this simplification.

I'm trying to think about what's common between the two.

And I think that the answer is spiritual.

Eating is not just physical thing. The Japanese say "Itakakimasu" to thank for the food before they start eating and "Gochisoosamadeshita" to thank for the food they have finished. There's a kind of spirit attached to food.

If love is just an emotional thing, it's not going to be transient.

But if it is something that comes from inside us, much like passion and persistence, it's going to be more long-lasting.

So love comes from sense of kindness, appreciation and purity that comes from inside us.

What do you think? What is love?

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