Saturday, May 20, 2017

When are you getting married, teacher?

Marriage bells. (Source: Pinterest)
I have a very adorable student who asked me that question. As you can see, some of my students can be quite a busybody.

I asked why were you so eager to see me getting married? I told her my mum didn't even ask that question on me.

You know what her cute answer was?

"Teacher, if you get married, then I will have a lot of nice food to eat!"

Yes, my student loves to eat. She's a glutton and can see all day long!

She said why I hadn't married even though I was already more than 30 years old. She said she wanted to get married by 23, just like her mother and have three children. As far as I can see, people DO want to marry young. It's not the same picture as that painted by the government of my country, Singapore, where people's mindset has changed and they want to put career first. Yes, I agree to some extent because some people do think that way but many do want to marry young.

So I told her marriage is not that simple nowadays, especially in Singapore, where cost of living is high and our salary is not matching up! Money is needed to buy house and provide a stable sustenance which is very important if we are going to raise children.

I will be waiting for that big day to eventually come. In the mean time, I hope for the best.

I hope you see your big day coming soon too.

Good luck!

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