Monday, May 29, 2017

What causes such a drastic break down in relationship?

Source: ClipartFest
I want to share with you a tragedy that happened in Singapore.

You can read the news article here: Thai woman jailed 5½ years for stomping Singaporean boyfriend to death.

In Singapore, two months ago in March 2017, a Thai woman killed her boyfriend by stomping him to death after a quarrel. What a horrible news!!!

If we read the headline only and if we have some pre-assumptions, we may be tempted to think that the woman must have been a crazy woman to have done such a terrible deed.

However, read the news in detail and you can see that when something like this happened, you can't just blame a single party. Although it sounded that the Thai woman didn't seem sane, she was in fact agitated by her boyfriend for a long period of time.

He was highly suspicious of her having sexual relationships with other men. He insulted her parents who were staying with them. I also have reasons to believe that they are other incidents in their lives that lead to tensions between the couple. As time passed and emotions built up, this culminated in the demise of the man.

I think they forgot about why they were together in the first place. Every time you have a quarrel, it is good to think about that. As humans, we are not in our perfect self 100% of the time. We do fail to function properly on certain days. If the mistakes are made unintentionally, then forgive and forget and move on.

However, if you think someone has changed permanently, and is being toxic to the relationship, why not have the courage to end it? If this Thai woman has more friends, has done work to widen her social group, I think she may have left her boyfriend and this incident may not have happened.

So here's another lessons to be learnt: have your own life. Having a boyfriend doesn't mean the world is all about him only. It is not. If the man doesn't allow you to have your life, I think it's time to consider leaving him.

How do you feel when you read such a piece of news?

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