Tuesday, May 2, 2017

"money is the most important thing"

It's 2nd May, one day after Labour Day. I hope you have a good day of rest for the past 1 year of hard work. If you are reading this post, thank you very much for your attention and time. I hope it may amuse you a little and make your day a little funnier with anecdotes from my dating experiences.

How can money be THE MOST important thing?

It IS IMPORTANT, but not the most important.

Money can support healthy relationship by bringing food to family, paying for the utilities and house loan so that a family can have a proper place to stay and have the means to sustain itself.

However, there are intangibles to the quality of a relationship such as love and care that money alone cannot provide. Love and care are independent of money and can be provided even when a family is poor.

I'm sorry, you are not the type of guy I'm seeking.

Do you agree that this guy is right? What is your philosophy about relationship? Leave a comment below.

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