Monday, June 13, 2016

When he has not contacted you for some time

You just know this great guy a few months ago.

Every time you saw new colleagues of his, he would never hesitate to introduce you to them. You thought, "Wow! He's really into me!".

He even talked to you about all of his family members: his father, mother, sisters and brothers. He told you that he had told them about you and he wanted to bring you to meet with them soon.

He brought you to romantic places like the quiet beaches on the east and west coasts, looking at fish farms, boats, ships and enjoying the beautiful sunsets under the sprawling branches of raintrees. You thought that would be your last boyfriend.

But, he suddenly went MIA.

He told you he's busy with work. He told you he had no days off, not even the weekends and not even on public holidays. Even when he finally had a day off for rest, he told you he's too tired and wanted to rest and wouldn't be able to meet you, his "lovely girlfriend and future wife".

This goes on for a week.

A week goes on to be a month.

A month goes on to be several months.

You haven't received any phone calls or chat messages from him asking about you. It is very obvious he's not into you any more. There's no need for you to harbour any hope. If you are still hoping, then wait for him to contact you and don't take any action on your own. You don't have to waste your energy and time on such a man.

It's time to stop thinking about him.

It's time to let go.

It's time to be heartbroken, but take care not to bear a grudge as things do happen and sometimes we don't know the reason and so, don't be hard on yourself.

It's time to move on and love yourself. Ask yourself what's your life purpose and do something about it. It is more fruitful to do that a leave something positive for other people then to be drown in sorrow by the irresponsible actions of someone who claimed he loved you.

You deserve better.

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