Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The most boring and ordinary list of characteristics to look for in a boyfriend

Now and then, especially during festive season like Christmas, New Year or Chinese New Year, someone on Facebook would send me a message to wish me good luck, good health, happiness and prosperity for me and my husband and children. Then, I would thank them but told them that I was single and I had never been married nor did I have any children. I would also tell them that I didn't even have a boyfriend.

Almost always, they would be shocked and asked me, "You are over 30 years old. Why are you still not married? Are you expectations too high?

Usually, I would reply "I don't know why I'm not married". This is really from the bottom of my heart. I'm also very lazy to talk about it because I'm so tired explaining to people why I'm not married. I mean, I have done a lot. I have done all those that are within my control. I have learnt basic makeup skills so I can doll up myself presentably during dates. My complexion has really improved a lot since the time I graduated from university. I almost have no acne scars on my face. I wore skirts and feminine shoes. I have gone for many dates. I have chatted with so many guys. I have gone to the temples to pray. When I was in Israel for work, I even went to the West Wall (also called the Wailing Wall) to pray hard for a boyfriend. The tour guide was telling us a true love story that happened on him. He was trying to find a wife for a long time but shortly after he prayed at the West Wall, his wife appeared. So, I really don't know what happened. However, miracle still hasn't appeared. I really need to submit myself to God. There are just some things in this world which is divine. Gradually, I stopped being so hard on myself. I learn to take things easy and try not to tired myself out trying to seek an explanation that is impossible to find out. And so, all I can tell these people is, "I don't know".

My expectation is not high. This is a list of the characteristics I look out for. You will see that the criteria may even not be as stringent as some other women. So men, please stop your assumption and accusation that it is always the girl's fault for having high expectations. Maybe it's the guys who have unrealistic expectations causing many women like me to remain unattached for such a long time.

My list:
  • Caring
  • Loving
  • Respectful
  • Have a job
  • Taller than I am, more than 1.65m
  • Hardworking
  • Don't smoke
  • Don't drink
  • Allow me to speak my mind
  • Chinese preferred
  • At least diploma education
What's yours?

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