Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sick men

So, I have a boyfriend now, a Chinese man with a proper education background, a proper, a nice friendly family, and someone with good attitude towards work and life.

So, I am a normal girl, a very normal young woman.

Yet, a few months ago in October 2016, a guy who saw my Locanto ad and contacted me, criticised me and said I was sick, therefore I was still single.

This was what happened:

He asked me why I was still single at 31 years old.

I told him  that I didn't know why.

He then proceeded to say my expectations were too high.

After this statement from him, I blasted all kinds of words at him

I told him that he hadn't asked what my expectations were, so it was not right for him to assume. I told him assuming means making an asshole of you and me. I told him not to assume that it was always the girls' fault if they couldn't find a boyfriend. I told him not to make silly judgement like that. I told him to reflect what he had just said. I told the guys also had problems and girls should not be blamed unnecessarily for still being single. I told him that sometimes it was the guys who had high expectations not the girls.

He then said, "u r sick".

After which, I rebutted him. I also said to him, "you are the sick one, not me".

Yes, I am sick. I am sick for standing up for what's right. I am sick for standing up to men who always assume they have no problem and it is always the females' problem and high expectations that are causing to be single.
It show me how ignorant, arrogant, chauvinistic a man you are! It also kinda show you are a simpleton.

Good luck to you in your search for a girlfriend. You won't be able to have me because I'm normal and you are sick.

Do you encounter sick men like that who always criticise women for being single? Let me know.

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