Sunday, April 23, 2017

You want to rush?

Dear Mister,

Are you actually interested in getting to know me? Are you interested to seek a girlfriend for yourself too? 

You are acting more like a counsellor than a relationship seeker. I'm not here to seek your advice about how fast I want to find a boyfriend. Anyway, for your info, a friend of mine went out with a guy and she knew within that night itself that he was the one she would marry. Within a week, they married and they have been married ever since for more than a decade. You are here to see if I'm the one for you too, not to give me unwarranted relationship advice.

It's not about how fast or how slow one develops a relationship with another. It's about compatibility, the right one.

And Mister, you are showing me that you are an asshole because you assume that I want to rush to find a relationship without understanding that I have been trying to find a boyfriend for 7 years. Am i not taking my time?

You act as if that you know everything when you actually know nothing about someone else's life. You are too full of yourself. It is preciously because of men like you that girls like me waste our valuable time and valuable youth and have to stay single for such a long time.

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