Sunday, April 2, 2017

There are two types of real cheats

First Type:
There are some guys who chat very nicely with girls, full of sweet words that girls like to hear. Yet, they never have the intention of meeting the girls. They would say how much they wanted to meet you but when the actual date came, they would cancel at the last minute, not because they really had a legitimate reason but just some fake reasons that they could think of so that they didn't need to meet you.

And then, when you want to chat with them through the phone to listen to their voice, they come up with excuses like they are at work, so they cannot pick up the call. Are these guys think girls are such simpletons to believe their stories? Even if you are at work and cannot call, you can always give a call back at the end of the day?

This is the second time I encounter this kind of guy in my life. Thankfully, I saw through his tricks. In this post, I want you to know the tricks of this kind of guy. Beware of falling into their love traps. The only person who gets hurt is you only and that guy will be having his last laugh.

Second Type:
There are guys who tell you that they feel you are okay for them and then disappear without a word. I hated guys even more when they said they are straightforward and wouldn't waste anyone's time and yet when it came to making a decision to see if they wanted to continue to develop a deeper relationship with a girl, they couldn't bring themselves to tell the girl directly that they were not interested. Instead, they told the girls, like what this guy told me, that they were fine with them, giving the girls a false sense of being accepted and then disappeared without a word.

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