Sunday, August 21, 2016

Marriage Nightmare: Are married women banned from meeting male friends?
A Facebook friend of mine from the Philippines told me he was in Malaysia a while ago and asked me whether Singapore was near to Malaysia. I said "Yes".

So I told him Singapore is so near he should have contacted me when he was in Malaysia so that I could bring him around Singapore.

So he said okay. He would look for a time when he's less busy to come to Singapore.

The conversation was normal until he ended off telling me to inform my "husband so that he doesn't get the wrong idea."

I told him I wasn't married yet. And I told him I didn't even have a boyfriend.

But the point I find the most interesting is even if I'm married, why must I inform my husband when I'm just going out to meet friends?

I wouldn't want to feel so restricted in my social life even after marriage. If that's the case, I would rather give up marriage.

I hope I don't marry this kind of paranoid husband who is thinking that I am having a marital affairs outside.

This is the 21st century!!! What are men worrying about??

The marriage certificate doesn't ban married women from meeting male friends after marriage after all. This kind of sensitivity, to me, is just a reflection of man's own insecurity.

Hello men, wake up!! Even if your wife informs you about every guy she meets, can you guarantee there isn't an extra marital affairs being involved? Can't you be more confident of yourself and of your own wife? Are you going to second-guess everything she does? Is there no trust at all in your partnership?

Wake up and be sensible!

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