Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How many times have you had the "Why haven't you got married yet?" conversations?

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Many of my Facebook friends (all males) are surprised that I'm still single and I have been bombed with repeated questions of "Why haven't you got married?" many times. The way these guys asked questions are very routine and I always ended up answering the same set of questions over and over again.

I'm tired of answering. Over time, I have come up with a routine on how to answer such questions. This is how it usually goes:

Male Friend: You look pretty. Why haven't you got married?

Me: Because I don't have a boyfriend.

Male Friend: Why you don't have boyfriend?

Me: I don't know.

Male Friend: Are your standards too high?

Me: Definitely no.

Male Friend: If there's someone who is genuine, would you consider?
(they usually refer to themselves)

Me: Yes, of course I would consider.
Male Friend: I am single and I'm also looking for someone nice and genuine. Hope to see you soon.

Actually I wonder why they say that. These are usually foreign friends who has never seen me before. How would they be able to understand who I was? Moreover, even if I'm open to a relationship with them, how are we going to maintain the relationship when we are living in two different countries?

I don't believe in long-distance relationship by the way, at least not in the beginning stage of a relationship.

What's your way of dealing with the "Why haven't you got married yet?" question?

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