Friday, July 29, 2016

I can't promise that I can meet you for dinner because ...

"I can't promise you I can meet you next Tuesday night for dinner because I might need to work over time."

A guy told me the exacts words above in a Whatsapp message.

Here's his Modus Operandi: he would ask me when I could meet him. I would then tell him the date and time (usually evenings after my work on weekdays as I need to give full day tuition classes to my students). But he would then say he couldn't determine whether he would have to work overtime. He even asked whether I needed to do overtime (meaning that I should be understanding that he has work commitment to meet).

If I could have the permission to be aggressive, I would give me a slap on his face.

Sure, sometime I have to work overtime. But when I promise someone I would meet with him, I would make sure that I finish my work fast that day so that I don't have to cancel my appointment. I would even decline work and tell my boss I would work on it the next day instead as I already had an appointment. This is time management.

After two re-arrangement of times and dates, I stopped contacting him. I am scared of this type of guy. If I met with an accident, would he say, "I don't know if I can visit you in hospital because I don't know if I need to work overtime."? Or, if I'm giving birth, would he say, "I don't know if I can see the birth of our child because I don't know if I need to work overtime."?

This guy definitely doesn't feel that he can control his own time. What makes him think he can handle a relationship and subsequently a marriage when he cannot even manage this small part of his life?

Whether you have time or not is a matter of commitment, not whether you have this or that work to do. Everyone has work. Everyone has some overtime to do. But why is it that you are the only one who cannot be certain you can turn up on an evening for dinner?

That is why I'm furious. I find that his logic is very silly.

Why doesn't he just say:

I can't marry you because I cannot be sure whether I will divorce you.
I can't have kids with you because I cannot be sure whether I will have time for them.
I can't meet your friends because I cannot be sure whether they will like me.

Just for Laughs! But I'm serious seriously too.

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