Monday, January 30, 2017

Rubbish women deserve only rubbish men but how do you define what is rubbish?

I don't work as a trash or rubbish woman.

Why can't I deserve the best?

Why do I always keep getting the trash?

Am I a trash by birth?

No matter how I improve myself, I feel like I'm always among the trash.

My mom told me I ate my own shit one evening.

Maybe that incident had put a permanent indelible but invisible trash mark on my head. People can see it but I can't.

Armed with a engineering degree, fluent in English and Chinese, and working in a good job, why do I keep having the Indians, Bangladeshis, the primary school education-level men, the sexual perverts, the immature 20-year-old lad, the old 50-year-old man, and the physically sick men all coming out to tell me they want me to be their girlfriend and wife? Am I really as lousy as trash? Do these men think they can take care of me and the kids and give me happiness?

Do you feel you are facing the same thing?

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