Friday, February 17, 2017

Bosses somehow knew I was about to meet those guys they hired

Every time I made an appointment with a guy to meet with, it was almost always cancelled at the last minute.

There are two ways to think about this. One is the positive way of thinking and the other is a negative way to think. The positive thing could be God telling me this guy is not suitable for me and so He has arranged me not to meet with this guy. (My musing: if that is case, why God arranges for this guy to see my ad in the first place? He might as well not let me cross my path with this guy at all!)

The negative way to think God is telling me that relationship is something not meant for me and I better give it up the soonest that I can and forget about this kind of thing completely.

This was just many of the last minute cancellation I had, due to bosses suddenly telling them to work.
I had already confirmed the date one night before. Yet, on the day itself, I had to call him up and ask him where he was. It was then that he told me he was in a meeting and wasn't coming. I understand that everyone is busy with their job but at least one should have the courtesy to inform the other party if he or she cannot make it! This is basic courtesy.

This guy totally cannot understand English. I told him precisely everyone is busy that's why there's this thing called schedule. This guy knows his schedule is not fixed and still dare to fix an appointment thinking that it's okay to cancel at the last minute and the other is obliged to understand him, as if everyone else has nothing better to do!

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