Sunday, February 19, 2017

How to celebrate your birthday when all your friends are married and you are still single

Source: YouTube
Happy Birthday to ME!

When I was five years old, I remembered my mother throwing big birthday party at home for me. There were lots of foods and sweets and she made them all by herself. I particularly like the agar cake she made.
Source: Agar Cake (Pinterest)
As I grew older, my mum would make longevity noodles which she would accompany it with a hard-boiled red-dyed egg. The longevity noodles are very long orange-coloured noodles to symbolise long life and the red egg is for good luck.
Source: Red-dyed eggs (
In schools, classmates would also hold monthly birthday celebrations for those born in a certain month.

After graduation from the university and stepping into the working world, this tradition continued and colleagues would throw birthday lunches.

But then family arguments got worse and my relationship with a mum took a nose dive.

My father never remembered about my birthday and never once bought any present for me or celebrated it any way.

Gradually, as I grow older, I can see female friends and colleagues going out to celebrate with their boyfriends, and then husbands and then with their children.

For the past few years, I have been celebrating by myself and watching others with envy. Why is it me?

These few years, I would just sleep early and get a good rest on my birthday because resting is a luxurious thing for me to do actually. It's a form of pampering. Sometimes, I would just enjoy reading a good book.

It was only last year that I applied for a one day off from the company I'm working in because it offered a birthday leave whereas all the companies which I had previously worked with had no such benefit. So I really appreciate this company for putting in such a benefit. It's a small measure but very thoughtful.

This year I have a new boyfriend at the beginning of the year. He's a Chinese and down-to-earth, sincere and doesn't seem like he will cheat me. This year is definitely a big change from all the previous years.

Happy birthday to you single women out there who are born on the same day as me or in the same month as me and still looking for love!

You are not alone! I'm here with you! 

You are not forgotten. Happy Birthday!!! It's the day to love and pamper yourself!!! Enjoy whatever you love to do!!! It's your day!!! Cherish your days on earth!!! And continue to be patient!!!

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