Wednesday, February 22, 2017

How you can remain positive even after nearly a decade of rejection and dismal results in dating

Either I'm too positive or too stubborn.

I've been trying to find a boyfriend since I was a Year 2 university student. I knew I wanted to get married early, possible around 27 or 28 and have my first baby before 30. That would give me time to work and pay off the study loan which I borrowed from my mother and save up some money to buy a house.

The loan was about 18K and it took me almost three years to pay off completely, By that time, I was already 26 years old, broke and ugly and no boyfriend.

Then, I saved up some money to go for facial and hair care treatment which had cost me a bomb.

After which, I continued to work very hard, sometimes 7 days a week, working several jobs at the same time because my mother was chasing after me for money and I needed money too. Singapore has suddenly become such an expensive place to live. But I still managed to go for some dates arranged by a matchmaking agency and continued making friends with guys on social networking and dating websites.

I met guys who are younger or older than me, from the same or different race from me, the poor, the unemployed, the semi-skilled, the professionals and the self-employed businessmen. But I have no luck finding someone I'm comfortable with. I also have no luck having an honest guy telling me he was sincerely interested in me. Those who said they liked me were really saying so because they wanted me to go out and have sex with them.

The ones I'm really comfortable turned out to be cheats who were experts in making me believe they were serious about me when they were actually not.

Only this year I managed to get a Chinese boyfriend who seemed honest, down-to-earth and normal.

To be honest, when I crossed my 31st birthday last year in 2016, I already told myself to take things slowly and I really did. I totally gave up on matchmaking agencies, social networking websites and dating websites. I just posted an ad in Locanto telling people I was looking for a boyfriend.

By a friend's recommendation, I also wrote down the qualities I wanted in a guy down on a piece of paper.

I know my chance of finding a boyfriend is close to nil and with age catching up and my two aged parents to take care and my business not showing tremendous improvement, sometimes I really want to give it all up.

But at the bottom line, I really want to have a boyfriend to share my life with and grow old together. This is the only reason that keeps me going. There are other minor reasons but this is the most important and the most powerful that propels to keep getting to know guys.

So, you've got to know your deepest reason for wanting to have a boyfriend. That will be the only way for you to be positive and do the necessary things needed.

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