Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Stereotyping An Introvert When Seeking a Relationship

Image Source: YouTube
After I posted an ad on Locanto Singapore website advertising that I'm looking for a boyfriend, I have been getting contacted by guys on a regular basis. It wasn't that bad after all. Only one or two are looking for sex. The rest are looking for real genuine long-term relationship that may lead to a marriage.

I was chatting with guy who worked in the central business district near Tanjong Pagar.

He was messaging me during working hours and sarcastically commented that I was "so busy that I didn't answer him?"

I replied with frustration asking him whether "it is right for someone not to be focus on his or her work during work hours."

He then apologised and said he meant no harm.

Next, he noticed that I didn't talk a lot and he texted me, "You are rather quiet."

I admitted to him. I told him I'm more a doer than a talker.

He then made a casual remark, "I hope you are not an introvert".

I think he doesn't mean to be offensive, but it really came as quite offensive to me.

So I told him off. I said, "I am an introvert. And I am a proud introvert. But I'm not the extreme type of introvert. Most people have a mix of introvert and extrovert qualities. Nobody is a pure extrovert or introvert."

He knew I was serious. So he replied, "No offence. I mean no harm."

In my daily life, I make friends with all types of people, both extroverts and introverts. Why do we want to make such a distinction? I don't understand. We are all humans and we are all equally valuable. Each life is unique. To classify people is a demeaning thing to do.

There are both good qualities in both extroverts and introverts. Two extroverts or two introverts can be couple, while an extrovert and an introvert can also be a potential couple as well. I have read and seen many kinds of couples.

I don't know why people have a problem with introverts. Are we from another planet? Do we look very differently from other people? We are as qualified as other women who are extroverts.

My answer to people who have issues with introverts will always be this: I am an introvert and a proud introvert because many outstanding introverts have changed the world and I'm 100 percent sure that there is nothing wrong with us.

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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Many Calls This Month From Dating Agencies

Dating Consultant. Image Source: Business Insider
This is the month of August 2016 and I have received 2 marketing calls from 2 different dating agencies, one from eSynchrony and another from LunchActually.

I didn't receive any calls from any dating agencies since the beginning of the year and yet now, within the same month, within a span of 2 weeks.

Maybe my name and contact number are on a calling list which is currently being circulated through different dating agencies now and the telemarketers have just reached my name.

I turned all of them down. I no longer feel dating companies offer any hope for me. They kept telling me that the fees they charge justify the database they have but having a good database has nothing to do with successful matching.

If the match fails, you lose both money and time.

I strongly encourage you to use dating apps like Tinder or Paktor or put up a free ad looking for a boyfriend at online classifieds. They are free. So even if you don't find someone suitable at the moment, you don't suffer from financial loss.

No doubt some people have found success and true love with the help of dating agencies.

At least for me, they are no longer my option anymore.

Make your own decision today.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How many times have you had the "Why haven't you got married yet?" conversations?

Image Source: life.stylehoney.com
Many of my Facebook friends (all males) are surprised that I'm still single and I have been bombed with repeated questions of "Why haven't you got married?" many times. The way these guys asked questions are very routine and I always ended up answering the same set of questions over and over again.

I'm tired of answering. Over time, I have come up with a routine on how to answer such questions. This is how it usually goes:

Male Friend: You look pretty. Why haven't you got married?

Me: Because I don't have a boyfriend.

Male Friend: Why you don't have boyfriend?

Me: I don't know.

Male Friend: Are your standards too high?

Me: Definitely no.

Male Friend: If there's someone who is genuine, would you consider?
(they usually refer to themselves)

Me: Yes, of course I would consider.
Male Friend: I am single and I'm also looking for someone nice and genuine. Hope to see you soon.

Actually I wonder why they say that. These are usually foreign friends who has never seen me before. How would they be able to understand who I was? Moreover, even if I'm open to a relationship with them, how are we going to maintain the relationship when we are living in two different countries?

I don't believe in long-distance relationship by the way, at least not in the beginning stage of a relationship.

What's your way of dealing with the "Why haven't you got married yet?" question?

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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Marriage Nightmare: Are married women banned from meeting male friends?

A Facebook friend of mine from the Philippines told me he was in Malaysia a while ago and asked me whether Singapore was near to Malaysia. I said "Yes".

So I told him Singapore is so near he should have contacted me when he was in Malaysia so that I could bring him around Singapore.

So he said okay. He would look for a time when he's less busy to come to Singapore.

The conversation was normal until he ended off telling me to inform my "husband so that he doesn't get the wrong idea."

I told him I wasn't married yet. And I told him I didn't even have a boyfriend.

But the point I find the most interesting is even if I'm married, why must I inform my husband when I'm just going out to meet friends?

I wouldn't want to feel so restricted in my social life even after marriage. If that's the case, I would rather give up marriage.

I hope I don't marry this kind of paranoid husband who is thinking that I am having a marital affairs outside.

This is the 21st century!!! What are men worrying about??

The marriage certificate doesn't ban married women from meeting male friends after marriage after all. This kind of sensitivity, to me, is just a reflection of man's own insecurity.

Hello men, wake up!! Even if your wife informs you about every guy she meets, can you guarantee there isn't an extra marital affairs being involved? Can't you be more confident of yourself and of your own wife? Are you going to second-guess everything she does? Is there no trust at all in your partnership?

Wake up and be sensible!

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Thursday, August 18, 2016

What To Do When You Finally Meet The Right Guy After Years of Fake Relationships

For the past 7 years, I have been trying to find a boyfriend. But every year, I would meet with a failure. I always ended up meeting up a cheat. One of the cheats was even recommended by a close associate in work. Every year, I would set higher bars and more criteria to determine the fake men from the real men but every year, smarter and smarter men broke my criteria and got into a fake relationship with me.

Why do I say "fake"?

My very first fake relationship came from a guy I knew in Friendster, an outdated social network website now. He said he just broke up with his girlfriend and emphasised that he's single. For a few weeks, we met and he would always bring me to secluded places so that he could touch me all over my body. I was innocent, you see. He said he's teaching me how to be intimate with men. He was working as a young assistant mechanical engineer at a big local engineering firm and was enrolled in a degree program for mechanical engineering at Kaplan. For a few times, I helped him with his course assignment. Only after a few months later, I found he updated his profile picture which showed a picture of him hugging a girl. I questioned him immediately and he never spoke to me thereafter.

On and off, I went for many dates before a close associate at work introduced me to a young colleague that had joined his team. He added me on WeChat and started chatting with me. I was attracted by his humour. He was telling me all the nice things that you would expect a guy to shower you with when they started pursuing you as a date, so I wasn't aware of his true motive. Moreover, this was a guy introduced by an associate I knew. What harm could there be? I was very trustful of the start of a relationship between us. We went for lunch once at Subway where he gave me a Subway treat. He asked me whether I like to travel to Malaysia. I said I would love to but wasn't familiar as I only went to Malaysia in my lifetime. He was telling me that he "would soon bring me there". After a few months of knowing him, I decided I wanted to leave the company and seek employment with a new company. He said he would continue to come and "find me" after I left the company. Yes, he continued to communicate with me on WeChat after I left the company and I asked him about the Malaysian weekend trip again. He continued to say "soon" as he was still busy with project requirements and he said it would end soon. And I continued to wait patiently. However, after waiting for weeks, I saw an update on his Facebook photo album with pictures taken at Malaysia's Johor Bahru's Legoland theme park with a young lady and another middle-aged woman who looked like his auntie. He appeared very close to the young lady. I questioned about it and told him I was upset because he had been telling me we would travel to Legoland together soon. He told me he was sorry and he "hadn't meant to upset me".


Then at this social network website called Twoo, I got to know a Vietnamese professional working in Singapore as a senior civil engineer. He had been involved in the construction project of our Singapore Indoor Stadium where it recently held the 2016 Singapore National Day Parade for its 51st year of independence. When we first started dating together, he shared with me that every month, he would make a trip back to Vietnam to visit his critically-ill father. After about 6 months, he suddenly stop communicating with me. After about a month without any news from him, he suddenly set me a message through Skype. I asked him where he was and he told me he was in Australia enrolled in a Master degree course. I was shocked that he was gone just like that. I was his girlfriend and how could he do such a thing? He said that a few weeks ago his father had died and he quit his job and flew back to Vietnam to pay his last respect for his father. After that, he flew straight to Australia. I told him even if his father had died, there was no need for him to quit his job and go Australia. I told him he should have consulted me about his decision. I was furious that I wasn't treated like a girlfriend because he made his decisions unilaterally without informing me. I was asking, "What the hell is this?" Moreover, he told me to quit my job, give up everything in Singapore and join him there in Australia immediately as a "poor student". What kind of boyfriend would want his girlfriend a hard life? That's how I ended the relationship with him. I deleted his phone number from my mobile phone and deleted his detail from my Skype contact list.

Then I had one "relationship" on Facebook, which I quickly realised was a scam because I was asked for money for a gift parcel to be sent to me.

Then I got to know a real local Indian guy through Facebook. Initially it was alright. He was a Hindu and a vegetarian. But he expected to me to buy him meals every time because he said he did not have any on-going projects in his business and thus didn't have extra income. That still hadn't reached my tolerance limit. The worst was when I called him one evening after my tuition class and we agreed to meet the next day for dinner. But when the next evening arrived and he didn't appear at our meetup place, I called him and he said he was at the National Day Rehearsal and having a great time and wouldn't be meeting him. I then scolded him and said he should have informed me earlier when he changed his decision and shouldn't have waited for me to call him up when I was already waiting at the agreed place to meet him up. He was angry that I shouted at him. I demanded for an apology and he asked "what wrong has he done?" He said I was making a fuss out of something so minor. He didn't like me and he stopped contacting me and never bothered to official declare he wanted a breakup. So far, all the guys I had met till then didn't want to say breakup. They just stopped contacting when they didn't feel like it!

Then I got to know another guy also from Facebook. He was from Bangladesh and was a skilled worker in Singapore in the construction industry. He was gentle. He was enthusiastic in the beginning and kept meeting me up for dinner. We went to Johor Bahru together and had quiet moments together in several parks here in Singapore. I thought he was a genuine man and would be my last boyfriend. But after about 3 months, he said he had a new project. The project lasts for 18 months and he would be working everyday. He now expected me to pay for my own meals and for me to arrange meetup. He said I should be the one to arrange dates not him. So I said okay. Then when I arranged the dates, he would not turn up. I would always have to call him to ask him where he was. The frustrating thing was he didn't pick up the call immediately. It was always after half an hour or an hour of waiting that he then SMS me to tell me to "go home first". I would keep calling him until he picked up and scold him. He would say I was sick. I was so frustrated. He was the one who played foul and why did I have to be labelled as a "sick" person? So this happened every month until last month I couldn't stand it anymore and sent him the most number of SMSes with messages such as "son of a bitch", "asshole", "cheat" and so on. Today he has blocked me from his contact list totally.

So then, a few earlier, I posted an ad in Locanto Singapore website advertising that I'm looking for a boyfriend to settle down. I was contacted by an IT professional from India. I have met him once already at this time of writing. He seemed genuine and I really wanted to trust him. I said I would take my time to ascertain the relationship because I didn't want to fall into traps again. He was quite unhappy about it and said I shouldn't let my past experience affect this new relationship. I told him candidly I really have to do it this way because I wanted to protect myself and did not want another fake relationship again. I'm still waiting to see how this relationship would turn out. I only seek his understanding that I would like to take things more slowly and not intending to rush through the relationship (as it happened in all my past failed relationships). I told him it would be okay for him not to continue have contact with me now if he didn't think he wanted to go out with someone with a baggage. He's accepted partially (which makes him even a more genuine person in my view). He said he would show me over time that he was a genuine one. I hope so.

So, that's what I did, be being candid. I think this is the fairest to both parties.

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Friday, August 12, 2016

Fake Guys Who Keep You Hanging On

That quote above is very close to my heart.

I don't know the mindset of these guys.

Either they are genuine and do not want to be direct to the girls because they are afraid of hurting the girls' heart or they are out for an ulterior motive which may be to kill their time or to have a more exciting affairs on top of their existing relationship with another woman.

I ended another relationship.

The same type of relationship as I had for the past 7 years.

I've been trying to avoid and every year I use more criteria to screen out the fake guys from the genuine ones but I keep getting the fake ones.

Their modus operandi is very similar:

First, they will be very sweet to win my heart. They will say they are the last man I ever will need. We will chat on Facebook Messenger/Whatsapp/WeChat. We would chat very happily. He would make me feel that I have finally found the right man.

Next, they will arrange for a date. Two things can happen, depending on the type of guy. One scenario is that the guy will arrange for a date. He will also confirm the date one day before the actual date, assuring me that they are genuine. However, on the actual date and time, I will usually need to call them and ask them where they are and usually I will get answers like "I have a meeting and cannot meet you" or "I am not feeling well and have a headache". I will say okay usually to give them the benefit of doubt. They will usually tell me that we will meet next time soon. However, one or two weeks will pass or even one or two months will pass and I don't hear from them anymore.

Another type is smarter. They will usually behave like a normal boyfriend in the beginning few months. They will proactively ask me out for dates or for walks in parks. But after a few months, they suddenly change. They will suddenly stop contacting me. I will usually call them after about 2 weeks and they will tell me they are busy with work. I will wait for 1 month to give them a call again. They will say they are still busy. Two months later, three months later, six months later they will still say the same thing. Even if I manage to set up a date on a particular day and time and place, at the agreed time, they will always fail to turn up and even refuse to take phone calls. I have been left waiting for nothing for many times.

Moreover, when they finally pick up the phone, I will usually vent my anger at what they are doing and I get a lash back from them, saying I'm too fussy or that they have mis-communicated and I have heard wrongly and one even said I'm sick to scream at him over the phone. He was the one who told me that he was free any time on a particular day so I thought I could finally meet him that day. But at the stipulated time, he did not come as I suspected. I called him for half an hour before he sent me an SMS to inform me that he had gone to the mosque for prayer and could not meet me. I scolded him over the SMS and continued to call. He scolded me back and said he didn't like people who talk too much. This made me even more angry because he was wrong in the first place and didn't apologise and still criticise me for scolding him. He blocked me from calling him for a few days. This was the guy I finally ended communication with a few days ago.

I am willing to give guys a fair chance, just as I have given myself a fair chance to meet legitimate guys. The most frustrating thing is to have guys criticise me for being so cautious when I have my rights to protect myself from harm.

I cannot advise guys not to behave this way because there are always some black sheep, just that I don't know why I get the black sheep all the time. The best advice from me would be to women to become smarter and screen out those who want to get to know you for their bad intention or to stop the relationship as soon as you can if you suspect you are already in such a relationship.

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Monday, August 8, 2016

Cheats Don't Say "Let's Break Up!"

Source: http://mumsru.club/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Funny-Break-Up-Memes-14.jpg
I'm envious of my cousin. She was around 28 when she finally decided she wanted to find a boyfriend after so many years of saying she did not want to marry anyone. She did not have to date for long. Her eldest brother introduced one to her. That was it. They dated for 1 year and then got married another year. Now, into the third year of her marriage, she had her first child.

On the other hand, I've been searching for one since 7 years ago. I've dated many guys. On average, each of my relationships lasted for about 3 months. Many of these relationships are just temporary enjoyment for the guys which I only realised after not hearing from the guys for weeks.

I have been unlucky enough to meet guys who know how to act genuinely to win my heart when they only wanted to get to know me to temporarily mend some sadness during that period of their lives.

Some of them had breakups before getting to know me. There was one who got me as his girlfriend because his father is critically ill and he wanted to have some fun to dispel his stress. After 6 months of going out together (which averages only 2 meetups per month), his father died. He went back to his country to see his father for the last time before heading to Australia. Another one lied to me that he had broken up with his girlfriend but when he updated a photo of him and his other girlfriend in a social media account which I questioned he about, he disappeared. These are only a few out of so many dates I have had over the past 7 years.

I really wanted to settle down. I really don't know why my life is like that. I only want to find just ONE guy but god gave me so many fake ones.

What I don't really like about these people is they didn't say they wanted to break up when they decided they wanted to stop what they are doing. They just disappeared. They just stopped. They just stopped contacting me for weeks. Only when I questioned them that they told me they did not have the intention to going out with me anymore. I was always so upset because I was always in the dark of dark intentions of these guys.

Some were even smarter. They like to use this trick called "delaying". They promised to travel together, say Malaysia or the Batam Islands. But when I asked about, they would keep saying soon. So 1 week became a month. And then a month became a few months. And I would then know that it was going to happen. They were just trying to make me think they were genuine but they were not. So, I would then learn my lessons and delete their contacts from my phone and I swore to god I wouldn't want to meet them anymore in my life.

So, that's what I learn: Cheats Don't Say "Let's Break Up". They just disappear suddenly out of my life, just as they suddenly appear in my life.

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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Bad Dating Etiquette: "You Don't Hold My Hands!"

Guys, I feel sorry for you (if you please allow me to) if ever a girl says this to you during a date, "Don't hold my hands... ..." and I feel even more sorry if you like the girl so much and she agrees on a date with you and she is actually out with you.

I don't really understand the mindset of such girls.

If she doesn't like you, why does she want to go out on a date with you? Isn't that selfish of her to waste a guy's time when the guy cannot use his time better to spend with lady who actually likes him back?

I can think of only two reasons why these girls or women act this way.

First, they don't know what they want and they just want a guy to accompany them for dinners or romantic walks.

Second, they might want to gain some monetary benefits from you such as getting free dinners from you or asking you to pay for amusement parks or movie tickets.

So, if you are a woman and you tend to have this habit of not knowing what to make of a relationship, do spare some thoughts about how the guy feels and be fair to him. Don't go out with him if you are not sure about him or worse, you decide to go out with him and tell him straight in his face that he is not allowed to hold your hands.

Lastly, I hope you can sort out what you want and I wish you all the best you find someone you really like.

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